Fine Art Logistics – Storage

Secure Art Storage

Secure Fine Art Storage Facility

Fine Art Storage Facility

Museum Quality Storage Solutions in Glasgow, Scotland

Constantine’s storage facilities are amongst the best in private ownership anywhere in the world.

We offer the most up-to-date technology in the market, from humidity-controlled environments, to around-the-clock digital CCTV surveillance and security systems which meet stringent UK government requirements. Our detached storage facility in Glasgow employs a state-of-the-art barcoding system, enabling us to retrieve your belongings at a moment’s notice.

You can also choose to store in climatically controlled storage rooms, with a viewing area for private inspections. Either way, maximum security and fire zoning applies to all areas.

All storage areas offer controlled access and allow for individual items and entire exhibitions to be stored for any period necessary.

Make an Enquiry

Our secure storage services are tailored to your needs, with our highly qualified crew looking after every detail. Contact us today for a quote or if you have any questions. Please provide as much information as you can, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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